Сервисы «Истинное Техсостояние – Диагностика герметичности»

Keep track of reservoir pressure without stopping production, even behind casing

Knowing reservoir pressure is fundamental to managing well and reservoir performance more effectively. But assessing formation pressure behind casing using traditional techniques can be costly, time consuming and disruptive.

Reservoir Pressure provides formation pressure information behind casing, bringing the critical insights needed without the cost and disruption of more invasive techniques.

Delivered by our True Flow system with Chorus technology and proprietary Polygon modelling code, Reservoir Pressure provides the clarity and insight needed to manage well and reservoir performance more effectively.

Reservoir Pressure has become an invaluable resource for operators managing assets to improve or maintain well and reservoir performance.


Reservior pressure assesses formation pressure behind casing so you can manage well and reservoir performance… more… effictively



  • Evaluate tube integrity of multiple tublars
  • Managing integrity of all well system tublars
  • Routine or targeted surveillance of tubular condition
  • Time-lapse barrier condition monitoring.
  • Assessing maximum allowable annular surface pressure [MAASP]
  • Identifying internal and external defects
  • Assessing tube condition in the presence of scale
  • Pre-workover, pre-handover, or pre-abandonment assessment
  • Verifying completion design


  • Proactive integrity management mitigates risk and maintains safe and productive operation
  • Track and validate tube condition over time
  • Spot tube weakness before it fails
  • Through-tubing deployment minimises disruption and cost.
  • Comprehensive validation of barrier condition in a single run.
  • Understand true wall thickness
  • Identify internal vs. external defects in primary tubes [when used with caliper]
  • Better remediation decisions, precisely targeted
  • Maintain regulatory compliance
  • Maintain well system integrity

Temperature Stabilisation Calculator



Water volume under reservoir conditions m3/d
Oil volume under reservoir conditions m3/d
Gas volume under reservoir conditions m3/d
Borehole radius m
Total effective reservoir thickness m
Closed-in time for running the logging tool in the hole hh:mm
Rate reduce %


Total rate:

- m3/d 

Second Rate:

- m3/d 

Stabilisation time:

- hh:mm 

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